Friday, December 29, 2017

Waiting was hard as it always is to wait. Hard for all of us. Hard on Aubrey (Elijah's Father) Hard on Nimbus (my partner), Adan, and Tristan (my other two children, the youngest going to be 4 soon.) Adan my oldest going to be starting community college.

I was glad that Adan could watch the youngest so that Nim could still work. Elijah was determined that he would be able to go home from the hospital soon. He really wanted to be there for Tristan's Birthday. Elijah worked hard and showed that he could get around. He really was healing pretty fast from the surgery.

The Doctor came in and told Aubrey that he had the results. Aubrey and I wanted to have the doctor tell us first.  I was at work for the day, got off as quickly as I could. Met with the Doc and he told Aubrey and I the news. "Your son has Cancer. The type is called Neuroendocrine Cancer. It is very rare to be in children. I've sent all the results up to a colleague in Portland." After he talked to us, I thought it would be good not to use the "C" word to Elijah. I asked the doctor what would you say to your child if he or she had Cancer? He understood. We went back into the room with Elijah and the Doctor went over what he found. That there was more treatment needed to be done to help him.

Aubrey is a very sensitive soul. Well yea any Parent would be in that situation. I was sad somewhat, I hadn't really let it sink in. Eventually I did have several good cries after that day.

I started to research all that I could on this type of cancer. How it had metastasized. Neuroendocrine cells have traits similar to nerve cells and to hormone-producing cells. Neuroendocrine tumors are rare and can occur anywhere in the body. Most neuroendocrine tumors occur in the lungs, appendix, small intestine, rectum and pancreas.  Almost all people diagnosed with the disease are over age 50.  Somehow still felt like things would be ok.

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