Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Also in the "Wise Traditions, Support for Pediatric Cancer by Kim Schuette, DN" it said with chemo Vitamin deficiencies are common. Your immune cells are knocked down and your natural immunity wanes. So A high nutrient-dense diet and avoidance of processed foods and sugars are critical to support your immune system. Basically FEED YOUR CHILD NOT THE CANCER CELLS. Its so sad to be up in the Oncology floor at Doernbecher and have a Food Cart come by to all of the patients, but there isn't any food on there. Its all Candy and Doritos. Just crap.

Some doctors are now having there Adult patients on a Ketogenic diet. A diet high in animal fats with protein from pastured eggs, poultry, wild fish. Generous servings of fresh organic vegetables at each meal.

Do a Hydrotherapy. A Epsom salt bath One cup of Epsom salt to a warm bath. Magnesium is very relaxing to the nervous system. Of coarse you can add essential oil, which I do. It helps increase blood flow to the internal organs. Plus detoxifying the body.

Every cell in the body depends upon good fats in order to create and maintain structural stability.
To take Omega-3 and Omega-6 Essential fatty acids. Fish or Flaxseeds oils. If your deficient in Vitamin B6 you can't adequately utilize the fatty acids in flax. So use fish oils.

Astaxanthin crosses the blood-brain barrier and the the central nervous system better than most other antioxidants. While under going Radiation therapy or CT/PT scans, Astaxanthin should be used. Which I'm going to do.

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