I think this time Elijah and I where prepared. We had a new special breathing technique to help him cool down during the first 10 minutes of the start of chemo. So it begin, and he could feel it rise within his body. He started the breathing. I also had essential oils behind his ears. He had a crystal in each hand. (Another good friend gave him) He did great!! The following two days went great.
Up at Doernbecher Children's hospital they have a what they call the parade. Which is a group of 4-8 doctors who are learning with other doctors. The come around every morning around 10am. They usually don't stay long in our room. There isn't anything to discuss, because Elijah is doing great. Which still is a little perplexing to them.
My son isn't like the rest. He is the exception. He is working hard, visualizing. He breathes each night before bed seeing his body fill with light. He is always looking at food and making sure there isn't any sugar in it. He eats well. When we are home he eats like a normal teenager, but super healthy.

I found Yaccon Syrup, which doesn't have a glycemic index. It is also a cancer fighting food. It helps stimulate selectively the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli (two friendly bacteria) in the gut and, thereby, increase the body’s digestive process as well as its natural resistance to invading pathogens. It is indigenous to the Andes Mountains located in South America.
Cancer patients
around the world have been using Yacon syrup to help keep their cancer
from spreading. Because the product is completely natural, it’s safe to
take with a lowered immune system.
While it will not cure cancer, it can reduce the growth and reproduction of the cells, stopping the cancer from spreading.
So I used this to make a gluten free/sugar free Pumpkin pie for Elijah for the Holidays. He was super happy and said that it did taste good.
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