I think grandma was right…That chicken soup WAS really good for the soul. Hey it always made us feel better when we were sick. There is more to that though. There are over 19 easy-to-absorb, essential and non-essential amino acid. Bone broth contains collagen, which can stop the spread of cancer. Bone broth helps to reduce inflammation. It also helps heal the gut. At least 80 % of all immune system cells reside in your digestive system. Regularly drinking bone broth assists the body’s natural detoxification pathways by helping the digestive system remove waste. It strengthens the liver.
After all that info no matter if you have Cancer or not you should incorporate Bone Broth into your diet. I made it super easy for my 14 year old. I use it to make Soups. There is a need to detox our children when they are going through rounds and rounds chemo, this is one easy way to begin supporting their bodies own ability to detoxing. Simple easy steps to support your child or yourself.
Here is the way I make mine. I either use a chicken carcass (what is left over from the whole chicken) or I get two pounds of bones. I always use a good source. I cut up a whole Onion skin and all throw that in with Garlic of coarse (4-8 cloves) 2 carrots, 2 celery, Thyme,or Cilantro or both (whatever herbs you like, I've used Bay leaf as well) Two Tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar and Water to cover the ingredients. I use my crock pot on low for 24 to 48 hours. You can do it for 2-4. I like to do it longer. Sometimes I've also added Astragaulas Root (1Tablespoon) Strain, let cool. It will become gelatinous. You can then poor into jars to keep in freezer or use in whatever you make. Hey use it to cook your rice, or make a soup.
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