Omega 3s fatty acids (FAs) are an important and key nutrients, involved in normal growth and
development of various human tissues. Besides Omega-3s being good for your brain, heart, eyes, skin. They are thought to reduce inflammation in the body. And a
variety of cancers have been linked to chronic inflammation. Omega-3s also seem to restrict tumor cell growth, and may cause cancer cells to self-destruct.
I found this from a Science article: "Docosahexanoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 fatty acid found in fish oils, has
been shown to reduce the size of tumors and enhance the positive
effects of the chemotherapy drug Cisplatin, while limiting its harmful
side effects."
So eat some fish, if you or your child doesn't like fish. Use a
supplement. Make sure you find a clean source of Omega-3s. I was lucky
to receive a three bottles for Elijah through my work. If you are
vegan/vegetarian there are Algae Omegas out there.
This is one that he used and has 1120 mg omega-3 per serving. Elijah didn't have any what people call brain fog. I think this is one of the the things that helped him.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
I'm sure you heard of Bone Broth. Its seems I hear about it everywhere. You get nutrients that will support your immune system, good digestion, and brain health. Its not trendy. Its been around for along time.
I think grandma was right…That chicken soup WAS really good for the soul. Hey it always made us feel better when we were sick. There is more to that though. There are over 19 easy-to-absorb, essential and non-essential amino acid. Bone broth contains collagen, which can stop the spread of cancer. Bone broth helps to reduce inflammation. It also helps heal the gut. At least 80 % of all immune system cells reside in your digestive system. Regularly drinking bone broth assists the body’s natural detoxification pathways by helping the digestive system remove waste. It strengthens the liver.
After all that info no matter if you have Cancer or not you should incorporate Bone Broth into your diet. I made it super easy for my 14 year old. I use it to make Soups. There is a need to detox our children when they are going through rounds and rounds chemo, this is one easy way to begin supporting their bodies own ability to detoxing. Simple easy steps to support your child or yourself.
Here is the way I make mine. I either use a chicken carcass (what is left over from the whole chicken) or I get two pounds of bones. I always use a good source. I cut up a whole Onion skin and all throw that in with Garlic of coarse (4-8 cloves) 2 carrots, 2 celery, Thyme,or Cilantro or both (whatever herbs you like, I've used Bay leaf as well) Two Tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar and Water to cover the ingredients. I use my crock pot on low for 24 to 48 hours. You can do it for 2-4. I like to do it longer. Sometimes I've also added Astragaulas Root (1Tablespoon) Strain, let cool. It will become gelatinous. You can then poor into jars to keep in freezer or use in whatever you make. Hey use it to cook your rice, or make a soup.
I think grandma was right…That chicken soup WAS really good for the soul. Hey it always made us feel better when we were sick. There is more to that though. There are over 19 easy-to-absorb, essential and non-essential amino acid. Bone broth contains collagen, which can stop the spread of cancer. Bone broth helps to reduce inflammation. It also helps heal the gut. At least 80 % of all immune system cells reside in your digestive system. Regularly drinking bone broth assists the body’s natural detoxification pathways by helping the digestive system remove waste. It strengthens the liver.
After all that info no matter if you have Cancer or not you should incorporate Bone Broth into your diet. I made it super easy for my 14 year old. I use it to make Soups. There is a need to detox our children when they are going through rounds and rounds chemo, this is one easy way to begin supporting their bodies own ability to detoxing. Simple easy steps to support your child or yourself.
Here is the way I make mine. I either use a chicken carcass (what is left over from the whole chicken) or I get two pounds of bones. I always use a good source. I cut up a whole Onion skin and all throw that in with Garlic of coarse (4-8 cloves) 2 carrots, 2 celery, Thyme,or Cilantro or both (whatever herbs you like, I've used Bay leaf as well) Two Tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar and Water to cover the ingredients. I use my crock pot on low for 24 to 48 hours. You can do it for 2-4. I like to do it longer. Sometimes I've also added Astragaulas Root (1Tablespoon) Strain, let cool. It will become gelatinous. You can then poor into jars to keep in freezer or use in whatever you make. Hey use it to cook your rice, or make a soup.
Monday, January 29, 2018
I love Chlorophyll!! I've been giving Elijah this since we found out. Chlorophyll is responsible for the absorption of light in the process of photosynthesis, which creates energy. Chlorophyll blocks carcinogenic effects within the body and protects DNA. Helps Fight Cancer! It helps the livers health and therefore the body’s natural elimination of potentially harmful toxins. Chlorophyll seems to slow the rate at which harmful bacteria reproduce, making it beneficial for wound healing and preventing infections. I still use ChorOxygen Chlorophyll from Herbs Etc.
So eat your Green veggies!! Raw or lightly cooked is best. Below is a great reference on the top Chlorophyll foods.
Friday, January 26, 2018
One of the things I felt most important for me during this whole time, was Aswagandha. Aswagandah is a Ayurvedic Herb. I knew I was going through stress. I didn't want to get sick I had my whole family to take care of. Aswagandha can help alleviate these symptoms and support an energetic and rejuvenating sense of wellbeing.
Aswgandha can help:
~Protects the immune system
~Helps combat the effects of stress
~Improves learning, memory, and reaction time
~Reduces anxiety and depression without causing drowsiness
~Helps reduce brain-cell degeneration
~Stabilizes blood sugar
~Helps lower cholesterol
~Offers anti-inflammatory benefits
One of the formulas that I took during this time was Hero's Blend Spagyric Tincture by Portland Ashwagandha farm. This one is my most favorite.
The other formula that I took was Himalaya's Aswagandha. Both I really love and could tell was helping. Aswgandha also helps with your response to stress. Its an Adaptogen. Supporting adrenal function helping you overcome adrenal fatigue and chronic stress.
Aswgandha can help:
~Protects the immune system
~Helps combat the effects of stress
~Improves learning, memory, and reaction time
~Reduces anxiety and depression without causing drowsiness
~Helps reduce brain-cell degeneration
~Stabilizes blood sugar
~Helps lower cholesterol
~Offers anti-inflammatory benefits
One of the formulas that I took during this time was Hero's Blend Spagyric Tincture by Portland Ashwagandha farm. This one is my most favorite.
The other formula that I took was Himalaya's Aswagandha. Both I really love and could tell was helping. Aswgandha also helps with your response to stress. Its an Adaptogen. Supporting adrenal function helping you overcome adrenal fatigue and chronic stress.
Thursday, January 25, 2018
We go back up to OHSU on February 9th to do a CT/PT scan. We won't have the results till the 14th (day after Elijah's 15th birthday) when we meet with his Oncologist to look at it and discus what might be next. I'm hoping and praying that the only thing that Elijah will have to do is a scan every 6 months then every year.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
January 9th 2018
Well its a new year and defiantly a new energy in the air. I feel good about things. Elijah was so prepared, and felt glad that this was the last time for Chemo. Traditionally before we go into our room, we talk with his Oncologist. She had said hopefully this round will go well, most likely Elijah will have to have a blood transfusion (Funny). She also said after this round we would have a scan with in two weeks to see how its going. Then we will talk about what WE will do next. Like we didn't have a choice. She said that we would have to have surgery to take out remaining tumors. I didn't like the sound of that, neither did Elijah. I would hate to have him do another surgery. Well I guess we will all see what the scans show then.
We here taken to our room and then Chemo is started about 2 hours after. Elijah had his oils, his crystals. I said a prayer, he started his breathing. All was well. Elijah sailed through, with only one moment of nausea. I gave him Nux Vomica and he was all better. He did feel a little more tired on day two. Day three he was so ready to go home.
A nurse came in to do his vitals for the last time, and saw his yogurt. She asked if it was any good, she hadn't see it before. I told her, "Elijah says its good. Plus there isn't any sugar in it." I said "you know sugar feeds cancer?" She was like, wait, what? She had never heard of that. Maybe I help plant a seed or at least have here seek out information about it.
The Nurses up there at Doernbecher are amazing. They are all so sweet and really they do all the work. Elijah was blessed that way. To have caring nurses taking care of him.
Last day Elijah's nurse gave him a lanyard that said Chemo Grad on it. We walked up to the front they sang him a song and he got to ring the big bell. Letting others know that there is hope, and kids can get through. Of coarse I got all teary eyed. The drive home was nice, no crazy weather.
Well its a new year and defiantly a new energy in the air. I feel good about things. Elijah was so prepared, and felt glad that this was the last time for Chemo. Traditionally before we go into our room, we talk with his Oncologist. She had said hopefully this round will go well, most likely Elijah will have to have a blood transfusion (Funny). She also said after this round we would have a scan with in two weeks to see how its going. Then we will talk about what WE will do next. Like we didn't have a choice. She said that we would have to have surgery to take out remaining tumors. I didn't like the sound of that, neither did Elijah. I would hate to have him do another surgery. Well I guess we will all see what the scans show then.
We here taken to our room and then Chemo is started about 2 hours after. Elijah had his oils, his crystals. I said a prayer, he started his breathing. All was well. Elijah sailed through, with only one moment of nausea. I gave him Nux Vomica and he was all better. He did feel a little more tired on day two. Day three he was so ready to go home.
A nurse came in to do his vitals for the last time, and saw his yogurt. She asked if it was any good, she hadn't see it before. I told her, "Elijah says its good. Plus there isn't any sugar in it." I said "you know sugar feeds cancer?" She was like, wait, what? She had never heard of that. Maybe I help plant a seed or at least have here seek out information about it.
The Nurses up there at Doernbecher are amazing. They are all so sweet and really they do all the work. Elijah was blessed that way. To have caring nurses taking care of him.
Last day Elijah's nurse gave him a lanyard that said Chemo Grad on it. We walked up to the front they sang him a song and he got to ring the big bell. Letting others know that there is hope, and kids can get through. Of coarse I got all teary eyed. The drive home was nice, no crazy weather.
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Also in the "Wise Traditions, Support for Pediatric Cancer by Kim Schuette, DN" it said with chemo Vitamin deficiencies are common. Your immune
cells are knocked down and your natural immunity wanes. So A high
nutrient-dense diet and avoidance of processed foods and sugars are
critical to support your immune system. Basically FEED YOUR CHILD NOT
THE CANCER CELLS. Its so sad to be up in the Oncology floor at
Doernbecher and have a Food Cart come by to all of the patients, but
there isn't any food on there. Its all Candy and Doritos. Just crap.
Some doctors are now having there Adult patients on a Ketogenic diet. A diet high in animal fats with protein from pastured eggs, poultry, wild fish. Generous servings of fresh organic vegetables at each meal.
Do a Hydrotherapy. A Epsom salt bath One cup of Epsom salt to a warm bath. Magnesium is very relaxing to the nervous system. Of coarse you can add essential oil, which I do. It helps increase blood flow to the internal organs. Plus detoxifying the body.
Every cell in the body depends upon good fats in order to create and maintain structural stability.
To take Omega-3 and Omega-6 Essential fatty acids. Fish or Flaxseeds oils. If your deficient in Vitamin B6 you can't adequately utilize the fatty acids in flax. So use fish oils.
Astaxanthin crosses the blood-brain barrier and the the central nervous system better than most other antioxidants. While under going Radiation therapy or CT/PT scans, Astaxanthin should be used. Which I'm going to do.
Some doctors are now having there Adult patients on a Ketogenic diet. A diet high in animal fats with protein from pastured eggs, poultry, wild fish. Generous servings of fresh organic vegetables at each meal.
Do a Hydrotherapy. A Epsom salt bath One cup of Epsom salt to a warm bath. Magnesium is very relaxing to the nervous system. Of coarse you can add essential oil, which I do. It helps increase blood flow to the internal organs. Plus detoxifying the body.
Every cell in the body depends upon good fats in order to create and maintain structural stability.
To take Omega-3 and Omega-6 Essential fatty acids. Fish or Flaxseeds oils. If your deficient in Vitamin B6 you can't adequately utilize the fatty acids in flax. So use fish oils.
Astaxanthin crosses the blood-brain barrier and the the central nervous system better than most other antioxidants. While under going Radiation therapy or CT/PT scans, Astaxanthin should be used. Which I'm going to do.
Monday, January 22, 2018
I was given a copy of some great information. From "Wise Traditions, Support for Pediatric Cancer" by Kim Schuette, CN. Talks about Many different environmental causes (Carcinogenic) such as air pollution, pesticides and solvents. Even Light at night we know is very disruptive for eh body, which is why shift workers have such bad health. Electric fields of power lines, even hairdryers.
It goes on to talk about Chemotherapy (which I'd like to just call it Chemo) How chemo agents kill beneficial gut flora. That incorporating daily servings of probiotic-rich foods is key. Eating lacto-fermented vegetables, like sauerkraut, and kimchi is great.
Other gut support for chemo is colostrum, amino acids and essential fatty acids. Meat stock or bone broth are the best source of healing amino acids. Which I has having Elijah to either drink everyday or I used in soups for him. The article stated Standard Process has two different products Protefood and Nutrimere. (I was lucky to get Protefood from my place of work, which I give him) Most Chiropractors or Natural Paths carry Standard Process in there practice.
It talks about Steroids in cancer. One of the adverse effects of steroids is weakening of the bones. A high-mineral diet replete with fat-soluble vitamins A, D and K are critical for strengthening bones. So I gave Elijah a higher dose of Vitamin D than the Vitamin D Counsel says 5000 IUs for all adults across the US. So I gave him over that standard amount. I also gave him Vitamin A since he was on Steroids for 5 days every month. It also goes to say that Vitamin A is the key vitamin for fighting cancer and vitamin D supports the actions of vitamin A.
It goes on to talk about Chemotherapy (which I'd like to just call it Chemo) How chemo agents kill beneficial gut flora. That incorporating daily servings of probiotic-rich foods is key. Eating lacto-fermented vegetables, like sauerkraut, and kimchi is great.
Other gut support for chemo is colostrum, amino acids and essential fatty acids. Meat stock or bone broth are the best source of healing amino acids. Which I has having Elijah to either drink everyday or I used in soups for him. The article stated Standard Process has two different products Protefood and Nutrimere. (I was lucky to get Protefood from my place of work, which I give him) Most Chiropractors or Natural Paths carry Standard Process in there practice.
It talks about Steroids in cancer. One of the adverse effects of steroids is weakening of the bones. A high-mineral diet replete with fat-soluble vitamins A, D and K are critical for strengthening bones. So I gave Elijah a higher dose of Vitamin D than the Vitamin D Counsel says 5000 IUs for all adults across the US. So I gave him over that standard amount. I also gave him Vitamin A since he was on Steroids for 5 days every month. It also goes to say that Vitamin A is the key vitamin for fighting cancer and vitamin D supports the actions of vitamin A.
Friday, January 19, 2018
Third Round December 12 2017
I think this time Elijah and I where prepared. We had a new special breathing technique to help him cool down during the first 10 minutes of the start of chemo. So it begin, and he could feel it rise within his body. He started the breathing. I also had essential oils behind his ears. He had a crystal in each hand. (Another good friend gave him) He did great!! The following two days went great.
Up at Doernbecher Children's hospital they have a what they call the parade. Which is a group of 4-8 doctors who are learning with other doctors. The come around every morning around 10am. They usually don't stay long in our room. There isn't anything to discuss, because Elijah is doing great. Which still is a little perplexing to them.
My son isn't like the rest. He is the exception. He is working hard, visualizing. He breathes each night before bed seeing his body fill with light. He is always looking at food and making sure there isn't any sugar in it. He eats well. When we are home he eats like a normal teenager, but super healthy.

I found Yaccon Syrup, which doesn't have a glycemic index. It is also a cancer fighting food. It helps stimulate selectively the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli (two friendly bacteria) in the gut and, thereby, increase the body’s digestive process as well as its natural resistance to invading pathogens. It is indigenous to the Andes Mountains located in South America.
I think this time Elijah and I where prepared. We had a new special breathing technique to help him cool down during the first 10 minutes of the start of chemo. So it begin, and he could feel it rise within his body. He started the breathing. I also had essential oils behind his ears. He had a crystal in each hand. (Another good friend gave him) He did great!! The following two days went great.
Up at Doernbecher Children's hospital they have a what they call the parade. Which is a group of 4-8 doctors who are learning with other doctors. The come around every morning around 10am. They usually don't stay long in our room. There isn't anything to discuss, because Elijah is doing great. Which still is a little perplexing to them.
My son isn't like the rest. He is the exception. He is working hard, visualizing. He breathes each night before bed seeing his body fill with light. He is always looking at food and making sure there isn't any sugar in it. He eats well. When we are home he eats like a normal teenager, but super healthy.

I found Yaccon Syrup, which doesn't have a glycemic index. It is also a cancer fighting food. It helps stimulate selectively the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli (two friendly bacteria) in the gut and, thereby, increase the body’s digestive process as well as its natural resistance to invading pathogens. It is indigenous to the Andes Mountains located in South America.
Cancer patients
around the world have been using Yacon syrup to help keep their cancer
from spreading. Because the product is completely natural, it’s safe to
take with a lowered immune system.
While it will not cure cancer, it can reduce the growth and reproduction of the cells, stopping the cancer from spreading.
So I used this to make a gluten free/sugar free Pumpkin pie for Elijah for the Holidays. He was super happy and said that it did taste good.
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
I knew about essential oils. Actually I had a few on my shelf at home. A friend brought it up to me to use for Elijah. I hadn't even thought to use that from my tool box. She gave me a few. Of coarse I had to look up a few things online. I had told her that I was super interested in using them for Elijah. She gifted him a oil kit. Which had Frankincense oil in. I had just read a book about Boswellia (Frankincense) from work about the effects with cancer. So I was super excited.
See Frankincense oil does all of these:
I started putting it with some coconut oil on the bottom of his feet every night after a bath or shower. Take a few drops and massage on the ball of the feet. Do this every day and your immunity will grow stronger.
Each foot holds in excess of 7,200 nerve endings. Stimulating these naturally has a significant impact on the body as a whole. Reflexology works to harmonize the communication of the nervous system.
So thank you Sweet Wonder Friend for the oils
See Frankincense oil does all of these:
- Reduces inflammation
- Contains potential cancer-fighting properties
- Increases spiritual awareness
- Boosts immunity
- Fights infections
- Improves anxiety
- Heals skin and reduces acne and scarring
I started putting it with some coconut oil on the bottom of his feet every night after a bath or shower. Take a few drops and massage on the ball of the feet. Do this every day and your immunity will grow stronger.
Each foot holds in excess of 7,200 nerve endings. Stimulating these naturally has a significant impact on the body as a whole. Reflexology works to harmonize the communication of the nervous system.
So thank you Sweet Wonder Friend for the oils
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
I feel so lucky to have three amazing boys. They really are my world. I'd do anything for them. No really I would. If they needed a Kidney, done, its theirs. Whatever that they need, I would do/or give to them.
There where moments in the in between that I did feel helpless. I had a few good cries. I was so thankful to have Family, Friends such a great support. They made me feel stronger. If you or someone is going through something be there for them. Let them know, give them a hug. Call them up or just show up with a smile on your face, letting them know that you are there and that you care. It does REALLY mean a lot.
I feel like Prayer is super powerful no matter what you believe. Its all the same energy to me.
There where moments in the in between that I did feel helpless. I had a few good cries. I was so thankful to have Family, Friends such a great support. They made me feel stronger. If you or someone is going through something be there for them. Let them know, give them a hug. Call them up or just show up with a smile on your face, letting them know that you are there and that you care. It does REALLY mean a lot.
I feel like Prayer is super powerful no matter what you believe. Its all the same energy to me.
Monday, January 15, 2018
So during the in between time I had Elijah do the CBD oil, Turmeric, Probiotics, Vitamin D, Fish oil, Digestive Enzymes, Astraguals, Trace Mineral, Chlorophyll, Barley Grass and a mushroom Powder. It may seem to be a lot. This is my kids life here. I also did bone broths,Veggie Juice, and Oxygen Water.
Then it was time for Round two. November 14th with in the first 10 minutes of Etoposide Elijah got flushed and felt anxious. I had him to take nice deep breathes. It didn't last too long, then he was fine. When you are doing Cisplatin you have to do lots of fluids it dehydrates you. So Elijah didn't get much sleep that first night. So much going to the bathroom. Which you all know sleep is important to your immune system.
The next morning Elijah didn't want to eat too much. Some nausea but not enough to actually throw up thank goodness.
He went through the motions of the next two days. I started to give him Nux Vomica a Homeopathic remedy for nausea. I think it also helped. I also didn't give him the CBD during the chemo. No side effects. The only thing that I noticed was he was super moody. They sent us home with steroids for a taper. They thought that that was the reason behind his first reaction. I guess we will never know. I believe it was the CBD and the interaction with the other meds.
Well Elijah experienced the full effect of the steroids. Very moody, then crying, next moment feeling angry. It was hard seeing him feel these emotions. Elijah agreed that he didn't like the effects either. So day 11 I did Charcoal and triphala for cleansing and detoxing. Then I did the above (the in between time) He was feeling like himself once again.
The doctor still wondered why Elijah hadn't had a blood transfusion, and why is numbers WBC (white blood cell count) Remember I had mentioned the Astragalus. This made me feel good. That I was helping my son.
Then it was time for Round two. November 14th with in the first 10 minutes of Etoposide Elijah got flushed and felt anxious. I had him to take nice deep breathes. It didn't last too long, then he was fine. When you are doing Cisplatin you have to do lots of fluids it dehydrates you. So Elijah didn't get much sleep that first night. So much going to the bathroom. Which you all know sleep is important to your immune system.
The next morning Elijah didn't want to eat too much. Some nausea but not enough to actually throw up thank goodness.
He went through the motions of the next two days. I started to give him Nux Vomica a Homeopathic remedy for nausea. I think it also helped. I also didn't give him the CBD during the chemo. No side effects. The only thing that I noticed was he was super moody. They sent us home with steroids for a taper. They thought that that was the reason behind his first reaction. I guess we will never know. I believe it was the CBD and the interaction with the other meds.
Well Elijah experienced the full effect of the steroids. Very moody, then crying, next moment feeling angry. It was hard seeing him feel these emotions. Elijah agreed that he didn't like the effects either. So day 11 I did Charcoal and triphala for cleansing and detoxing. Then I did the above (the in between time) He was feeling like himself once again.
The doctor still wondered why Elijah hadn't had a blood transfusion, and why is numbers WBC (white blood cell count) Remember I had mentioned the Astragalus. This made me feel good. That I was helping my son.
Sunday, January 14, 2018
During this time I also had the amazing help from several good friends that are basically healers. One of them ia specializing in CranioSacral Therapy, Reiki & Therapeutic Massage, and she is a Licensed Massage Therapist. She graciously gifted us with treatment for Elijah. He has been seeing her since the surgery.
The other Friend is an Acupuncturist, does Acutonics, Chinese Herbal Medicine, and is a harpist that plays for hospice. Acutonics is a Healing System is a gentle, non-invasive, deeply relaxing and healing treatment that is similar to acupuncture, but without needles. Specially calibrated tuning forks are applied to specific acupuncture points throughout the body and also muscles.
I also had a friend give me another healer lady in our community. I called and talked with her, Elijah was open to seeing her. So she came out to the house. She does Reiki, ThetaHealing,RET (Master Rapid Eye Technician) and Healing with Forgiveness/Ho'oponopono plus others. She wasn't free. Like I said whatever I could do I would do for him. She was very interesting. Elijah liked her ways, and really felt a shift. I could see that he was different, stronger, and more in his own being.
So now all we had to do was do a scan before the next round. It was an UltraSound which would show some, but not all.
The other Friend is an Acupuncturist, does Acutonics, Chinese Herbal Medicine, and is a harpist that plays for hospice. Acutonics is a Healing System is a gentle, non-invasive, deeply relaxing and healing treatment that is similar to acupuncture, but without needles. Specially calibrated tuning forks are applied to specific acupuncture points throughout the body and also muscles.
I also had a friend give me another healer lady in our community. I called and talked with her, Elijah was open to seeing her. So she came out to the house. She does Reiki, ThetaHealing,RET (Master Rapid Eye Technician) and Healing with Forgiveness/Ho'oponopono plus others. She wasn't free. Like I said whatever I could do I would do for him. She was very interesting. Elijah liked her ways, and really felt a shift. I could see that he was different, stronger, and more in his own being.
So now all we had to do was do a scan before the next round. It was an UltraSound which would show some, but not all.
Monday, January 8, 2018
Astragalus is used in China with chemotherapy. Astragalus has been shown to increase white blood cell counts when deficient and to help balance and normalize them when required. (Some day cancer protocol in the USA) To assist patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation. Keeps your blood levels healthy during these invasive and systemically taxing procedures. It has been proven to restore red blood cell production in bone marrow and to assist immune function by stimulating natural interferon production.
Also in China they use Reishi Mushrooms along with Astragalus to aid chemotherapy. Reishi mushrooms have powerful immune boosting properties. Anti-Cancer and liver protecting effects. Reishi helps build the body, increase vitality increase overall strength and prolong life. Reishi has been proven to alleviate effects of chemotherapy like nausea, and kidney damage.
I have used Astragalus after chemotherapy for my son. It has always kept his White Blood Cell Count up. He has never needed to get a blood transfusion. Which they said he'd have at least one after the first round. Which never happened. I read about it doing all of my research. Every time he gets his blood drawn, the numbers are always great. They always say "I don't know why his numbers are so good" (I say in my head, I do) Another reason why I write this blog to maybe help someone out there.
I knew the greatness of Reishi and wanted to use it for Elijah. The Oncologist said not to use it. Because it wasn't good on his liver. Ha, I laughed inside my head. Somethings I wish they would really learn it really could help so many people.
Also in China they use Reishi Mushrooms along with Astragalus to aid chemotherapy. Reishi mushrooms have powerful immune boosting properties. Anti-Cancer and liver protecting effects. Reishi helps build the body, increase vitality increase overall strength and prolong life. Reishi has been proven to alleviate effects of chemotherapy like nausea, and kidney damage.
I have used Astragalus after chemotherapy for my son. It has always kept his White Blood Cell Count up. He has never needed to get a blood transfusion. Which they said he'd have at least one after the first round. Which never happened. I read about it doing all of my research. Every time he gets his blood drawn, the numbers are always great. They always say "I don't know why his numbers are so good" (I say in my head, I do) Another reason why I write this blog to maybe help someone out there.
I knew the greatness of Reishi and wanted to use it for Elijah. The Oncologist said not to use it. Because it wasn't good on his liver. Ha, I laughed inside my head. Somethings I wish they would really learn it really could help so many people.
Saturday, January 6, 2018
Friday, January 5, 2018
A Dear friend had left a bag by my door. It had some wonderful support things for me and for Elijah. It was so sweet. Nice to feel like others really cared and wanted to support us in any way that they could. I didn't realized how much others really cared.
In this bag there was a note. In this note it said: "Remember that strong women sometimes forget to ask for help." In that moment I felt like yes, I'm strong and that it was ok to ask for help. It was hard or me to except some of the help that was given through out this time. Yet I'm still learning.
Another thing that was written in this note stated "You are going to be taking in all kinds of information from Doctors, family, and friends. Trust your own heart and mind."
This really helped me.
In this bag there was a note. In this note it said: "Remember that strong women sometimes forget to ask for help." In that moment I felt like yes, I'm strong and that it was ok to ask for help. It was hard or me to except some of the help that was given through out this time. Yet I'm still learning.
Another thing that was written in this note stated "You are going to be taking in all kinds of information from Doctors, family, and friends. Trust your own heart and mind."
This really helped me.
Thursday, January 4, 2018
October Monday 9th 2017 was Elijah's first day of Chemotherapy. His regime was three days of Chemo. The first day he does Etoposide for an hour. With in the first 10 minutes his whole body was flushed with heat. His body's natural response to a chemical. Then after that one is done. Cisplatin was administered for 6 hours. The next two days was Etoposide each day for one hour. At this time I was also doing CBD. It was ok with the Oncologist. By day three he was feeling some numbness and tingling in his fingers and toes. That went away with in a few hours. We left the hospital, and drove home.
By Sunday day 5 he didn't quite feel like eating much. He went to lay down and coluldn't sleep. He had dry mouth. He went to use the bathroom, he was walking very slowly. I had him to drink some coconut water (which I knew has natural electrolytes) When he tried to get up and walk out of the bathroom he needed help. Nim came in and helped me with him. Elijah wanted to go down to the ground. So we helped him down. He felt so week. He looked grey. I could feel the chemicals in his body. It was so scary. I called up to the Oncologist on call. She said to take him to the Hospital (Riverbend)
By the time we got there Elijah was feeling better. I think he needed Electrolytes. He was dehydrated and needed more fluids. One of Cisplatin's side effects that Elijah had dehydration. They wanted us to stay over night to watch him.
In the morning they had him do an MRI. Since we where now on hospital time I couldn't give him his nausea meds. Elijah was feeling sick and ended up throwing up several times. Did a chest X-ray. MRI came back good. Waiting to see what the Oncologist wants to do. So we had to stay another night. More blood work in the morning.
As I sat there doing research I read about Cisplatin. I read a case study about a man on Cisplatin, and how he had a drastic heart rate change from a laying down position to a standing one. That is what was happening to Elijah. They monitored him laying down, sitting, and standing. The same thing was happening. He was dropping 30 points. Also how CBD would enhance the Cisplatin effects. I wondered if the Oncologist really had thought it all through. I know I gave her a list of all the things I was hoping to give him. So I thought she would of known about this.
Elijah noticed he had a bad headache, lightheaded, dizziness and felt cold. He was having some side effects from the Zofran. Also figured out that Ativan wasn't a good match either. He was feeling insomnia, drowsiness, and dizziness. I read that the Cabanoid receptors fill in with the CBD . If you add Zofran or Ativan those medicines can go into the receptor sites. Because the CBD is already there in those sites. So the medicines hang out in your system longer, just floating around. So much learned after this first experience of Chemo, nausea medicines and CBD. They finally sent us home after day 5.
By Sunday day 5 he didn't quite feel like eating much. He went to lay down and coluldn't sleep. He had dry mouth. He went to use the bathroom, he was walking very slowly. I had him to drink some coconut water (which I knew has natural electrolytes) When he tried to get up and walk out of the bathroom he needed help. Nim came in and helped me with him. Elijah wanted to go down to the ground. So we helped him down. He felt so week. He looked grey. I could feel the chemicals in his body. It was so scary. I called up to the Oncologist on call. She said to take him to the Hospital (Riverbend)
By the time we got there Elijah was feeling better. I think he needed Electrolytes. He was dehydrated and needed more fluids. One of Cisplatin's side effects that Elijah had dehydration. They wanted us to stay over night to watch him.
In the morning they had him do an MRI. Since we where now on hospital time I couldn't give him his nausea meds. Elijah was feeling sick and ended up throwing up several times. Did a chest X-ray. MRI came back good. Waiting to see what the Oncologist wants to do. So we had to stay another night. More blood work in the morning.
As I sat there doing research I read about Cisplatin. I read a case study about a man on Cisplatin, and how he had a drastic heart rate change from a laying down position to a standing one. That is what was happening to Elijah. They monitored him laying down, sitting, and standing. The same thing was happening. He was dropping 30 points. Also how CBD would enhance the Cisplatin effects. I wondered if the Oncologist really had thought it all through. I know I gave her a list of all the things I was hoping to give him. So I thought she would of known about this.
Elijah noticed he had a bad headache, lightheaded, dizziness and felt cold. He was having some side effects from the Zofran. Also figured out that Ativan wasn't a good match either. He was feeling insomnia, drowsiness, and dizziness. I read that the Cabanoid receptors fill in with the CBD . If you add Zofran or Ativan those medicines can go into the receptor sites. Because the CBD is already there in those sites. So the medicines hang out in your system longer, just floating around. So much learned after this first experience of Chemo, nausea medicines and CBD. They finally sent us home after day 5.
I wanted to talk about what was going on in February of 2017. A little back story.
We had noticed Elijah wasn't eating much food. Also noticed that he was getting skinnier and skinnier. I had taken him to his doctor, and all was said as that when he started playing soccer again in the spring he would get his appetite back. SO we where sent on our way.
I know something wasn't right. I had read info on Eating disorders. So I thought he had and eating disorder. I took him into Madrone Mental Health and chatted with the nice people there. We had scheduled a blood test to determine if Elijah had anorexia. Which the signs where there.
Elijah had become very restrictive with what he was allowing into his body. Basically slowly starving himself. He was obsessing over watching cooking shows, looking at restaurants and there pictures of food.
I had noticed Elijah had development of lanugo: soft, fine hair that grows on face. Also one of the signs. He was also always feeling cold. Well he had lost 14 pounds with in a few months.
He started a counseling program at Madrone. It was really helping. He was actually starting to eat a little more. He was turning things around. I had talked to a good friend about all of this. Her son also had an eating disorder. She took him to Joe Casey who does Hypnotherapy and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, tapping) So I gave him a call to. Anything that I could do, I would for my boy.
With in a few months Elijah seemed to be back on track. Plus I gave him Zinc at the time. I had sought help from my boss whom is an Nutritionist. Zinc was one of the minerals lacking those with Anorexia. Which I assumed helped him too. By August he seemed to be back to normal. He just started High School Soccer and was super excited to be starting school soon.
Little did we know that is was his body's natural way to not put pressure on his intestines because of the tumor. Weight loss, Stomach pain where his now only symptoms.
We had noticed Elijah wasn't eating much food. Also noticed that he was getting skinnier and skinnier. I had taken him to his doctor, and all was said as that when he started playing soccer again in the spring he would get his appetite back. SO we where sent on our way.
I know something wasn't right. I had read info on Eating disorders. So I thought he had and eating disorder. I took him into Madrone Mental Health and chatted with the nice people there. We had scheduled a blood test to determine if Elijah had anorexia. Which the signs where there.
Elijah had become very restrictive with what he was allowing into his body. Basically slowly starving himself. He was obsessing over watching cooking shows, looking at restaurants and there pictures of food.
I had noticed Elijah had development of lanugo: soft, fine hair that grows on face. Also one of the signs. He was also always feeling cold. Well he had lost 14 pounds with in a few months.
He started a counseling program at Madrone. It was really helping. He was actually starting to eat a little more. He was turning things around. I had talked to a good friend about all of this. Her son also had an eating disorder. She took him to Joe Casey who does Hypnotherapy and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, tapping) So I gave him a call to. Anything that I could do, I would for my boy.
With in a few months Elijah seemed to be back on track. Plus I gave him Zinc at the time. I had sought help from my boss whom is an Nutritionist. Zinc was one of the minerals lacking those with Anorexia. Which I assumed helped him too. By August he seemed to be back to normal. He just started High School Soccer and was super excited to be starting school soon.
Little did we know that is was his body's natural way to not put pressure on his intestines because of the tumor. Weight loss, Stomach pain where his now only symptoms.
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
Each year in the United States, approximately 14,000 children are diagnosed with cancer. That is just crazy! I mean crazy! We need to change something. No one, I mean no one, especially a child shouldn't have cancer.
Its a strange feeling walking through a "normal" life. Like I had a big secret. Going about my normal day at the grocery store. I felt weird. I had received a letter from a friend. Which there was a letter of one of her friend (a Mother) going through some of the same things. It was comforting, that I wasn't alone in these feelings.
I was pretty lucky to have such a great community of support during this time. Everyone from Bosses, Co-workers, Family (almost all out of state) Friends, Elijah's friends, Elijah's middle school teachers.
After we found out, we of coarse hit the internet searching for cures. Any info on this type of cancer. What we found wasn't very promising. Like I had said before people in their 50s+ What I had found was after treatment there was a seven year survival rate. Almost always the cancer seems to come back at some point. I was super determined to help do all that I can to safe my son.
I have worked in the health care industry for over 8 years. I know that Alkaline in super important. Eating alkaline rich organic foods will certainly contribute to a more alkaline environment in the body which does reduce the risk of getting cancer. The majority of the foods and drinks most people consume are acidic such as meat, grains and sugar, with colas and other soft drinks being highly acidic. I only let my kids drink about 2 sodas a year. We don't eat that much meat. Sugar, not much either.
So I changed a few things in Elijah's diet. I cut anything that had sugar. All processed foods like a loaf of bread, it has added sugar in it. I was lent a Juicer from my boss, so I started Juicing : Carrot/Celery/Apple, and Cucumber/Kale/Tumeric/Ginger/Green Apple. I also had him to drink Barley Grass (Alkaline) I started to have him drink it 5 times a day. (which was recommended by a co-worker, one of his friends had cancer and had done only Barley grass. Barley may suppress carcinogens in the Intestinal Tract due to the Protease Inhibitors content of Barley. I got that last bit of info from HyperHealth A computer doctor compiled data base at the place where I work.
I added more broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower almost to every meal. I also added dried powdered mushrooms to everything. Lean protein, like chicken, and turkey. Lots more blue berries. I had Elijah to eat very clean.
Its a strange feeling walking through a "normal" life. Like I had a big secret. Going about my normal day at the grocery store. I felt weird. I had received a letter from a friend. Which there was a letter of one of her friend (a Mother) going through some of the same things. It was comforting, that I wasn't alone in these feelings.
I was pretty lucky to have such a great community of support during this time. Everyone from Bosses, Co-workers, Family (almost all out of state) Friends, Elijah's friends, Elijah's middle school teachers.
After we found out, we of coarse hit the internet searching for cures. Any info on this type of cancer. What we found wasn't very promising. Like I had said before people in their 50s+ What I had found was after treatment there was a seven year survival rate. Almost always the cancer seems to come back at some point. I was super determined to help do all that I can to safe my son.
I have worked in the health care industry for over 8 years. I know that Alkaline in super important. Eating alkaline rich organic foods will certainly contribute to a more alkaline environment in the body which does reduce the risk of getting cancer. The majority of the foods and drinks most people consume are acidic such as meat, grains and sugar, with colas and other soft drinks being highly acidic. I only let my kids drink about 2 sodas a year. We don't eat that much meat. Sugar, not much either.
So I changed a few things in Elijah's diet. I cut anything that had sugar. All processed foods like a loaf of bread, it has added sugar in it. I was lent a Juicer from my boss, so I started Juicing : Carrot/Celery/Apple, and Cucumber/Kale/Tumeric/Ginger/Green Apple. I also had him to drink Barley Grass (Alkaline) I started to have him drink it 5 times a day. (which was recommended by a co-worker, one of his friends had cancer and had done only Barley grass. Barley may suppress carcinogens in the Intestinal Tract due to the Protease Inhibitors content of Barley. I got that last bit of info from HyperHealth A computer doctor compiled data base at the place where I work.
I added more broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower almost to every meal. I also added dried powdered mushrooms to everything. Lean protein, like chicken, and turkey. Lots more blue berries. I had Elijah to eat very clean.
Monday, January 1, 2018
You be more aware when something like life or death is in the picture of a loved one. You are aware of what you have. You appreciate again and again all the wonderful things in life that money can't buy. Like your child's laughter, a loving family, a great friend. The wind in your hair, the sun on your cheek. You find thanks in your everyday, heck in every moment. Happy New Year~
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